How to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers?
I was assigned by the Civil Court Chief Official to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers once a month starting in January. 2005 (B.E. 2548), and that troubled me because judges usually live in their own world. Everyone would like to dig deep into their thoughts and psyche. I would like to ask for Luang Phaw for suggestions how to teach Dhamma to this group of people.
Meditation Homework for Daily Life
The “10 Homework” is technique to the inner happiness, to the fruitful of meditation, to be beloved person.
Military and police whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. This kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
the military men and women and the police, whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. But killing and hurting people are necessary. I would like to ask Luang Por whether this kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
Vesak Day - The International Day
The Lord Buddha's biography. How does it relate with Vesak Day? The Buddhists don't miss!!
The people who have a hard life tend to think why the previous merit does not help them. How could I explain to them?
Remember My Word. Yes, I Will
My life completely changed from a high point to the ground and all our saving money was gone in a short time. We gained debts instead. I was very sorrowful and stressed out. The more I was serious, the stronger and the more wine I drank.
Good Bye, My Hometown
My employers liked to go to temples and they had very kind hearts.I had a chance to learn about the law of Karma and the truth of life because here DMC was on most of the day. Dhamma teachings were heard through the whole house including the morning and evening chanting and the Cetiya’s homage paying.
I can’t stress this enough . . . no, really, I can’t
Spiritual detox
Change the World :- Israel
Change the World in Israel. The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh has sent his disciples to make world peace in Israel. What is the their first start?